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Southern California Cement Masons LMCC


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The Southern California Cement Masons Labor Management Cooperation Committee (LMCC) is committed to ensuring all workers receive the wages and benefits they are legally entitled to on prevailing wage projects and private projects and that all contractors comply with prevailing wage laws and other labor laws to ensure a level playing field when bidding prevailing wage projects. To these ends, we monitor and initiate enforcement actions for underpayment of prevailing wages, failure to pay over time, cash payments, rebates of wages to contractors, misclassification of workers, failure to carry workers compensation insurance, and other labor law violations.



Through our program, both workers and contractors are encouraged to report alleged violations which we will investigate and where we believe violations exist, complaints will be initiated to fully enforce applicable laws which in many cases results in workers receiving their correct wages and in some cases penalty monies for violations. Do not allow your employer to exploit you by not paying you what you are guaranteed by law. Let us assist you in getting what you are entitled to.

Rulings and Decisions



The Southern California Labor Cement Masons Management Cooperation Committee (LMCC) is comprised of representatives from the OPCMIA Cement Masons Union Locals 500 and 600, Associated General Contractors, Southern California Contractors Association, Engineering Contractors Association, and the Building Industry Association. We are committed to work together to ensure fair contracting throughout Southern California. This includes compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to bidding and performing work on prevailing wage projects. Unscrupulous contractors are bad for workers, bad for contractors who play by the rules and bad for the public who are the ultimate consumers of public works projects. Through this program, we strive to level the playing field for fair contractors who are committed to meeting their legal obligations and treating their workers fairly.  

To enforce labor laws, the LMCC interacts with multiple governmental agencies. Depending on the scope of the alleged violations, the LMCC corresponds with agencies that have authority to bring both civil and criminal actions following their investigations. This includes  the Workers Compensation Fraud Unit, CA Department of Industrial Relations, CA Division of Apprenticeship Standards, CA Employment Development Department’s Fraud Division, CA Department of Insurance, CA Franchise Tax Board, CA Department of Labor, CA Contractors Licensing Board, District Attorney’s Offices, and others. Through our initial investigation, we are diligent in gathering the necessary information to support violations we report. For that reason, when we file with these agencies these agencies they generally act on our complaints resulting in favorable decisions.



LMCC members provide craftsmanship to varying types of construction projects. Here are a few of the many outstanding projects.




Do you have general questions or comments about the Southern California Labor Management Cooperation Committee (LMCC)?



Please complete the form below and we’ll be contacting you!


5417 Peck Road
Arcadia CA, 91006


Tel: 626-444-4600

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